On March 15, 2022No Comments
CBC Books Highlights Tanna’s Lemming and Una Huna?: Ukpik Learns to Sew
CBC Books names Tanna’s Lemming and Una Huna?: Ukpik Learns to Sew as Canadian picture books to look out for in spring 2022.
Tanna’s Lemming is written by Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley and Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, and illustrated by Tamara Campeau: “Inspired by a true story, in this follow-up to Tanna’s Owl, Tanna finds a small grey lemming — far too cute to turn over to the scientist who had sent kids out to gather lemmings for his research. . . .”
Una Huna?: Ukpik Learns to Sew is written by Susan Aglukark, and illustrated by Amiel Sandland and Rebecca Brook: “This picture book from Inuk singer-songwriter Susan Aglukark follows Ukpik, whose mom is keen to teach her how to make mitts from caribou skin. . . .”
You can read the full article here.