Nunatsiaq News Covers Iqaluit Author Event
Nunatsiaq News writes about Inhabit Media’s February 25th author event, which will take place at the Aqsarniit Hotel and Conference Centre from 1-4 p.m.
“[Louise Flaherty] said those attending will get to meet Inuit authors from across genres, such as up-and-coming horror writer Jamesie Fournier, Iqaluit Mayor Solomon Awa who has written on several North-related topics such as igloo-building and narwhals, and children’s book writer Ceporah Mearns. Flaherty said it will also be an opportunity for young readers in Iqaluit to learn more about literature for Inuit, by Inuit. That’s important, she said, because it contributes to culture awareness and literacy in the territory. . . . Flaherty said she hopes those attending the authors event are able to experience ‘the joy that we have been sharing in our northern stories with our worldwide audience.'”
You can read the full article here.