Qanuq Pinngurnirmata
Inuit Stories of How Things Came to Be
Two gifted northern writers, Rachel A. Qitsualik and Sean A. Tinsley, have collaborated to produce mesmerizing prose interpretations of Inuit creation stories. Readers will be drawn in by the humour, wisdom, and depth of these inspired tellings, which invite a contemporary audience to learn from and be moved by the complex spiritual metaphors of ancient Inuit knowledge. Illustrated in full colour.
By Rachel A. Qitsualik & Sean A. Tinsley
Paperback (Inuktitut) | ISBN: 978-1-926569-00-0 | $14.95 | 7 ¾” x 10 ½” | 56 pages | 16 full-page illustrations | Ages 6-7 | F&P Level Y |