Catalogues Archive

Fall 2024 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Fall 2024! View the catalogue here.

Spring 2024 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Spring 2024! View the catalogue here.

Fall 2023 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Fall 2023! View the catalogue here.

2023 Rights Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Spring 2023! View the catalogue here.

Spring 2023 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Spring 2023! View the catalogue here.

Fall 2022 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Fall 2022! View it here.

Spring 2022 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Spring 2022! View it here.

Winter 2022 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Winter 2022! View it here!

2021 Rights Catalogue

Check out our 2021 Rights Catalogue here

Fall 2021 Catalogue

Read about our new titles for Fall 2021! View it here!