In Those Days: Collected Writings on Arctic History

Inuit Lives: Book 1

PrintArctic historian Kenn Harper gathers the best of his columns about Inuit history, which appear weekly in Nunatsiaq News, in this exciting new series of books.

Each installment of In Those Days: Collected Writings on Arctic History will cover a particularly fascinating aspect of traditional Inuit life. In volume one, “Inuit Lives,” Harper shares the unique challenges and life histories of several Inuit living in pre-contact times.

The result of extensive interviews, research, and travel across the Arctic, these amazing short life histories provide readers with a detailed understanding of their specific time and place.

Written by Kenn Harper

Paperback (English) | ISBN: 978-1-927095-58-4 | $27.95 | 6″ x 9″ | 200 pages | Includes 32 pages of historical imagery | General |

EPUB (English) | ISBN: 978-1-77227-277-2 | $13.99 | 200 pages | Includes 32 pages of historical imagery | General |


“All the profiles of Inuit in this collection are interesting and the illustrations Harper has collected are first-rate.”—Telegram

“. . . [I]t’s the author’s frankness, compassion, and intimate knowledge of Inuit life that makes every single one of these stories resonate.”—The Arctic Book Review