Animals Illustrated: Muskox

Muskox coverAnimals Illustrated mixes fun-filled animal facts suitable for the youngest of readers with intricately detailed illustrations to create a unique and beautiful collection of children’s non-fiction books on Arctic animals. Each volume contains firsthand accounts from authors who live in the Arctic, along with interesting facts on the behaviours and biology of each animal.

Kids will learn how muskoxen raise their babies, what they eat and how they forage, where they can be found, and other interesting information, like the many fascinating adaptations they exhibit that allow them to live in colder habitats than most other animals!

Written by Allen Niptanatiak | Illustrated by Kagan McLeod

Hardcover (English) | ISBN: 978-1-77227-122-5 | $15.95 | 6.5″ x 9″ | 24 pages | Full-colour illustrations throughout | Ages 6-8 | F&P Level P |

Paperback (Inuktitut) | ISBN: 978-1-77227-151-5 | $12.95 | 6.5″ x 9″ | 24 pages | Full-colour illustrations throughout | Ages 6-8 | F&P Level P |


“Design of the series is spot-on, with attractive covers and lay-out that is both consistent throughout the series and age-appropriate for conveying information visually and textually.”—Kid Lit North

“. . . [I]ncludes extensive information about the muskoxen’s strategies for defense and for withstanding the cold.”—CanLit for Little Canadians

“The author, a Nunavut hunter and trapper, knows the animal well and shares his knowledge . . . . The illustrator is award-winning and a contributor to a First Nations comic anthology, Moonshot. His images add setting, perspective and further information. Their skills seem perfectly matched to present the facts related.”—Sal’s Fiction Addiction


Best Books for Kids and Teens — The Canadian Children’s Book Centre, 2017