Anchorage Daily News reviews Siku: Life on the Ice
The Anchorage Daily News has reviewed Siku: Life on the Ice, with photographs by Paul Souders and a foreward by Sheila Watt-Cloutier.
“The images reveal a world of remarkable color, of ice illuminated by the sun, the moon, the sky and the sea. The brief stories accompanying these pictures come from people who have walked on that ice, driven snow machines, hauled sleds, hunted upon it, and sometimes encountered mishaps. For the Inuit who are Indigenous to the region, the seemingly alien frozen seascape that Souders captures so vividly is home….Seen through Souders’ lens, these Arctic waters become an enticing realm. He captures the interplay of light and ice, and of sky and often frozen sea in intriguing and gorgeous ways. It’s not a world of endless white expanses and dull skies. Color abounds.”
You can find the full review here.