Give Me Winter, Give Me Dogs: Knud Rasmussen and the Fifth Thule Expedition
In Give Me Winter, Give Me Dogs, Arctic historian Kenn Harper takes readers alongside Knud Rasmussen’s spearheading Fifth Thule Expedition. From 1921 to 1924, Rasmussen trekked across Canada’s Arctic to study Inuit there and record their stories, and perhaps most importantly to him, to immerse himself in their culture and to know them. With the support of his colleagues and Inuit guides, Rasmussen recorded the cultural practices of various Inuit groups, from taboos and shamanism to the introduction of Christianity; traditional stories and practices, and adventures and misadventures that only an Arctic landscape can provide.
Including historic photographs and illustrative maps, this book is a great resource for anyone interested in a momentous journey into Inuit culture.
Written by Kenn Harper
Hardcover (English) | ISBN: 978-1-77227-550-6 | $34.95 | 9.5″ x 6.75″ | 300 pages | Includes 8 maps and 66 black and white photos | General non-fiction |
EPUB (English) | ISBN: 978-1-77227-573-5 | $27.99 | 300 pages | Includes 8 maps and 66 black and white photos | General non-fiction |